
Praise be to God, dozens of Christians from many countries converted to Islam with me after I asked them these questions, which was the reason for their guidance and their recognition that Islam is the religion of reason and nature.

◀️Isn’t God great, characterized by greatness, majesty and beauty?

❌This is contrary to his belief, which portrayed him as weak and servile, and people would kill, crucify and insult him!

Is this your Lord?

Are these the attributes of the Creator, Glory to Him?

◀️How do you think he is an individual who doesn't have a partner? So you think he has a son?

This means that there are two gods worthy of worship. This contradicts His Unity, Glory to Him

◀️Isn't God too big to have a father, a son or a wife?

These are characteristics of the creature; As for God, He is above and beyond these things

Man needs his son because he will die and his descendants will remain after him. But God, your Creator, is alive and never dies

God, your Creator, Glory to Him, said: 👇

✔️(It is not suitable for the Merciful to have a child)

✔️(Indeed, all in heaven and on earth are servants, except those who go to the Most Gracious)

⛔Isn’t one of the attributes of the Creator that He is fair, does not commit injustice and is far from injustice?

◀️Isn't it unfair for the Creator to torture an innocent person for other people's sins?

◀️Isn't it unfair that Adam - peace be upon him - made a mistake and sin and then the one who suffers the consequences of this is Jesus - peace be upon him - after hundreds of years?

◀️Isn't it unfair that Christians fall into injustice, immorality, adultery, alcohol and sins, and then Jesus, peace be upon him, takes away their sins and calls him Savior?

Where is the justice in this?

Imagine a judge bringing before him a criminal who has committed a crime. So the judge punishes another innocent person who did nothing!!

This is not fair according to the consensus of reasonable people. On the contrary, it is unfair!!


How do you torture a person who has committed a mistake because of the sin of his father or one of his relatives?

People reject this behavior because God is the Greatest, the Most High, and He cannot bear even the weight of an atom of injustice.

God, your Creator, Glory to Him, said:

✔️(And no burden bearer will carry another's burden)

✔️ (Each person is committed to what they have earned)

✔️ (And this man has nothing but what he strives for, and that effort of his will be seen and then he will be rewarded with the greatest reward)

A person is only responsible for his actions

◀️So what is best for society and humanity👇

✔️1-When members of a country, society, family or person believe that they are responsible for their actions and that they are held accountable for all things big and small.

❌2-Or that society whose members believe that there is another person who will carry their sins?️

Who among them will be more God-fearing because of their fear of judgment and the afterlife? Of course, the first kind✔️

But when you are told, “Do not be afraid,” when you believe in the Savior, your sins will be blotted out and he will take away your sins!!

Of course this person will commit forbidden things, immoral acts and crimes as long as his sins are forgiven, and he will not care.

◀️If someone wants to attack one of your relatives or your child; What will you do?

Is it not natural that you should do everything in your power to defend and save him?

How could a merciful God allow his son – according to his claim – to be killed, crucified and humiliated, and yet he did not support or defend him?!

Are you more merciful to your child than God is to his child, as you think?

That makes sense?


And if he tells you that his son agreed and wanted this matter, then tell him that you lied, because it is written in his book - the Bible - that he was praying and crying out: “My God, my Creator, why have you forsaken my?"

Did he want to be crucified and killed? So why does he seek help from his Lord if he wants to?

◀️How do you seek help from Jesus, peace be upon him, when he is human?

Upon reading that he worshiped his Creator and asked Him for victory, he was unable to repel those who wanted to kill him!

How will he protect you? How will he heal him now?

How will he support you?

How do you worship that which brings neither benefit nor harm to you? And God is the All-Rich, the Praiseworthy, in whose hands are benefits and harms

◀️Jesus, peace be upon him, did not say: “Worship me”, nor did he say: “I am the Lord”.

They tell him he is a messenger sent by God ✅

Why did you change these teachings?

You are now not following Jesus, but following your parents and grandparents❌

If you want the religion of Jesus, then the religion of Jesus is the religion of monotheism

Turning only to God ✅

◀️Read Muslim scholars and listen to them, there are clear decisions 👇

God is one and has no partner. “God” is great

It is.

❌Your Holy Book has been distorted and altered

So how can you relate to a book in this state and abandon the Holy Qur'an, which abrogates the heavenly books that preceded it, and which has not been changed or altered since its revelation to Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant peace to he - to this day?

◀️God challenged all humanity to invent something similar or one of his surahs, fourteen hundred years “1400* and people are incapable of inventing something similar How many eloquent people, eloquent people and poets are. enemies of Islam and were not able to invent something similar!

How do you leave this great book that Muslims read in their prayers and mosques, and whose children memorize it when they are no more than six years old? In fact, are there non-Arab Muslim children who memorize it?

Are there any children among you who memorize their Bible?

How can you leave this book and hold on to a book that many of you are reading and changing and changing?

How can you leave out the clear texts that indicate Jesus' humanity, that he is a messenger, not a god, and that he prayed to the Lord?

Jesus eats and sleeps, and these are human characteristics. God neither eats nor sleeps, and is far from it. Whoever eats needs to relieve himself, and God is above that

◀️The Lord is Omniscient of all things; But Jesus, peace be upon him, when they asked him about the time of the Day of Resurrection, he said: I do not know, and not even the angels in heaven know it. He who knows is “only God”.

How can Jesus, peace be upon him, be your Lord when he does not know when the “Day of Resurrection” will be?

Furthermore, there are many texts that show the humanity of Jesus, peace be upon him

◀️So you wondered who sent the prophets before Jesus (Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Job) and others? Peace be upon them all

Why did God send them and who were they calling people to worship?

(Isn't it necessary to worship God alone, without any partner?)

Those who came before Jesus, peace be upon him, what did they worship? Who do they turn to?

Was humanity without a Lord in those times before Jesus, peace be upon him? These are false beliefs

◀️The Quran came to Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, to clarify the truth from falsehood. So, if you believe and enter into the true religion of God, “Islam”, you will not lose Jesus, peace be upon him, but. rather, you will follow him in truth. We Muslims love Jesus, peace be upon him.

If Christians do not convert to Islam, Jesus, peace be upon him, will disown them on the Day of Resurrection

If you love Jesus, peace be upon him, then you must pronounce the Shahada and enter Islam to be with Jesus, peace be upon him, in Paradise and be safe from entering Hell.

Why Paradise is forbidden to those who associate others with God

◀️And know that the world is short, it is a testing phase for man

✔️Whoever believes in God ✔️will enter a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth

✔️The believer lives in Him forever and never dies

✔️And he will be young and not old

✔️And it's true that he doesn't get sick

“He will be happy in Paradise with a happiness that only God knows, a reward for the believer.”

So how can you abandon this eternal happiness for the sake of a despicable and short world? There are illnesses, calamities, trials, sadness and anguish that last for years and end!!

And Paradise will lose the house of joy, peace and eternal life!!

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